Jack Scalia is facing a legal issue stemming from his arrest at LAX in October 2012. The veteran actor, who is widely known for his role as Nicholas Pearce on "Dallas", has just been slapped with two misdemeanor weapon charges, TMZ reports. If found guilty, he could end up facing prison time and a hefty fine.
The problem started last year when the 62-year-old actor was busted by TSA agents at Los Angeles International Airport. He was found with an unloaded 9mm Glock and a novelty police badge in his carry-on bag. Officials said that the weapon was found after his bag was put through a screener.
LAX Police Sgt. Belinda Nettles said at the time, "Today at approximately 1:00 P.M, Los Angeles Airport Police officers responded to Terminal 7 for a report of a weapon at the transportation security administration screening station. Our investigation revealed suspect, 61-year-old Jack Tomaso Scalia of Los Angeles had an unloaded weapon in his carry on bag."
The actor, however, insisted that he didn't know the gun was in his bag and claimed that the badge was a gift from former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani. "He doesn't know how either ended up in the bag," Scalia's representative Steve Jaffe said back then.
The Los Angeles City Attorney didn't seem to believe Sclaia's story and decided to charge the thesp with two counts for "carrying a concealed firearm" and "taking a prohibited weapon through the sterile area at the airport." If convicted, the New York-born actor could face up to one and a half years in jail plus $2,000 in fines.
Responding to the issue, Jaffe says, "Everyone knows Jack's a very bright guy and would never intentionally do such a thing." The rep tells TMZ, "It was clearly a mistake and it's filed as a misdemeanor. I'm sure it will get worked out."
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» 'Dallas' Star Jack Scalia Hit With Weapon Charges After Busted at LAX
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