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When Lip-Biting Gets Real: Kristen Stewart is “not blaming anyone but herself”

Written By TasheMC on Friday 27 July 2012 | 19:52

The Great Twihard Meltdown of 2012, also known as “The Kristen Stewart Scandal: When Lip-Biting Gets Real” is still going on. And like the third or fourth day of any news/gossip cycle, the hard(er) news aspects of the story are falling away and it’s just becoming a free-for-all of tabloid coverage and “inside sources” and various outlets going through their archives to declare “exclusive” signs that Kristen was always going to cheat on Robert Pattinson. And additional parties have begun to (allegedly) chime in too. So… let’s get to it!
*Charlize Theron now hates Kristen Stewart. Allegedly! Charlize is friends with Liberty Ross, and a source tells Radar, “Charlize is absolutely fuming with Kristen for having an affair with Rupert. She is very tight with Liberty, has often socialized with the family over dinner and cannot believe Kristin has done this. When they were filming Snow White and the Huntsman, Charlize felt like an older sister to Kristin, and they were always sharing advice. Charlize confided to her new pal about her adoption plans. She even asked Kristin if she wanted to be her baby Jackson’s godmother – that was how close they were. But Charlize had no idea what was going on between Rupert and Kristin and now feels completely betrayed by the whole incident. It’s certainly left Charlize between a rock and a hard place, because she feels great sympathy for Liberty and the kids and yet, she has a sisterly love for Kristin.”
*Radar also points out that two months ago (in late May), Kristen took Rupert’s daughter out for ice cream during the SWATH press junket. Radar is billing this as some kind of “proof” that Kristen and Rupert were a lot closer than previously thought, especially with a source claiming, “During the press junkets for Snow White and the Huntsman, Kristen was already close to Rupert’s kids. She treated his eldest daughter to ice cream in Los Angeles when there was a break in her press interviews back in the latter end of May. At that time no one suspected anything was up – there was no reason to – but looking back at it now it seems pretty suspicious. The affair could have started back then – and everyone was blindsided. Why else would you take out a married man’s kid for ice cream?” Um… of course, it does seem like a cold thing to do in retrospect (“Come and have ice cream with daddy’s mistress!”), but really… I think Kristen was just being nice to a kid, you know? Eh.
*Rob Pattinson is “deeply depressed” and “He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know if he should forgive her or not.” This according to Us Weekly’s sources. Rob is also “beyond devastated. He’s so heartbroken. He’s shocked she could hurt him and humiliate him this way.” Additionally, Kristen is “very angry at herself. She’s really not blaming anyone but herself.”
*Hollywood Life has a source who says: “Rob is not taking Kristen’s calls and he isn’t much of a texter as they don’t text each other. Not only has he left the house they share but he is leaving the situation all together cold turkey to have time to himself and deal with it on his own terms. He currently wants to be as far from Kristen symbolically and physically right now while he deals with what has happened.” It’s believed that Rob is still in California, and that he will be staying in America for the time being. I guess he’s staying with friends?
*Brandi Glanville has chimed in! Brandi tweeted, “I’m not happy with this K stew BS. 2 close to home. Same story, friends with the wife and kids & f**k the husband when we think no one is looking. My last quote of the day on this subject- Home-wreckers come in pairs #ittakes2.”
*Hollywood Life’s screaming headline: “Robert Pattinson Leaves Kristen Stewart — Who’s Keeping Bear?” Bear is their dog. I hate myself for actually wanting to know who has custody of poor Bear.
You know what? I’m guessing that People Magazine has an exclusive story this afternoon in which Rob Pattinson’s publicist comes out and says Rob dumped Kristen. That’s just my theory/bitchy-Cassandra-prediction.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


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