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Did Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson have a jealous blow-up in Cannes?

Written By TasheMC on Sunday 10 June 2012 | 11:15

Correct me if I’m wrong, Twihards, but I believe that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have been separated since the Cannes Film Festival. And by “separated” I mean “they haven’t been in the same city at the same time in about three weeks.” Is it time for some Twihard hand-wringing? You know what I’ve noticed lately? The Twihard thing seems to be dying down. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. Surely, it will rise up again when Breaking Dawn Part II comes out later this year. But the interest already seems to be ebbing a bit – Sparkles didn’t even make it to the MTV Movie Awards and… nothing. There was no big outcry. Twihards weren’t leaping off bridges.
So if the Twihard fan-universe seems to be fading every slightly, do you ever wonder if Kristen and Robert’s feelings for each other might fade as the Twilight Saga comes to a close? Sure, Kristen is talking about Sparkles more than ever in interviews these days (even referring to him as “my f–king boyfriend”). But is there ever trouble in paradise? Is there a reason (beyond two competing press tours) that they haven’t seen each other in weeks? Star Mag thinks so. They say Kristen and Sparkles had a big blow-up while they were in Cannes.
Life after Twilight has been rather dark for Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. While at the Cannes Film Festival recently, the couple had a huge bust-up that ended with Kristen, 22, storming out on the dashing 26-year-old Brit.
“At Rob’s Cosmopolis party, she lost her temper,” reveals an insider. “She says he was flirting with other women, but he wasn’t at all. She was in the lobby in tears.”
She stayed at the Hotel Martinez that night – while he stayed at the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc.
[From Star Magazine, print edition]
It’s weird that the tabloids always paint Kristen as super-jealous, when really – she doesn’t seem that way at all. While the Twihards always claim that Kristen is super-neurotic (and that’s why she’s so twitchy), I think Kristen probably has a very high opinion of herself, and I do mean that in a good way. I think she’s a very confident, self-assured young woman in her private life, and she’s not prone to jealous hissy fits. It’s almost like the tabloids are trying to make Kristen into the new Angelina Jolie – a tabloid creation, a temperamental villainess, a secretly needy, emotional wreck.
And for what it’s worth, Lainey says Sparkles and Kristen were flirty and cute together in Cannes.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


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