You know what I like about that video? It shows Will reacting, laughing about it, and then simply moving on to the next media outlet. Dude’s a pro. He didn’t pitch a hissy fit, he didn’t bitch out one of his handlers and make it into some epic drama. He just moved on and continued doing his job.
Anyway, Will was on The Late Show with David Letterman last night, and Dave asked him about the incident. Will’s reaction was still pretty solid, I think. Will said: “He says, ‘I’m you’re biggest fan, can I have a hug?’ So I go to give this joker a hug, and he tries to lean in and kiss me! It was just awkward, Dave…They were like, ‘Oh, no, we’re sorry, you know. It’s just his ‘schtick,’ you know. And I said, ‘well, that’s why his ass got schtuck.’” Here’s the video:
Eh. I still think it’s fine. I mean, I hate when people invade my personal space too, so I can completely understand Will’s reaction, and I think he’s talking about it with the right attitude. If anything, this incident has kind of made me like him more.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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